Ansanm Charity Truck Raffle
May 10, 2024



The raffle will award one lucky winner a new, 2024 Toyota Tundra Limited 4×4, cash to help offset the cost of vehicle licensing, registration and sales tax, plus receipt for a tax payment made to their personal Internal Revenue Service account to help offset personal income tax liability.


All raffle proceeds will be disbursed to Life Ansanm Ministries, an Arizona 501c3 nonprofit organization, whose mission is to live alongside the people of Cap Rouge, Haiti, equipping and providing healthcare solutions, education, training, job placement and numerous community development initiatives. Go to for more information.


Entries cost $150.00 each, plus applicable credit card processing fees. Only 1,000 entries will be sold, so each entry has 1 in 1,000 chance of winning. Participants may purchase multiple entries, thereby increasing their odds of winning.


The Raffle Winner will receive three separate prizes:

  1. A new 2024 Toyota Tundra Limited 4×4, minimum MSRP of $60,000;
  2. A cash prize equal to 10% of the vehicle’s MSPR to help offset the cost of vehicle licensing, registration, sales tax and related fees;
  3. Documentation showing a Federal tax Deposit has been made on behalf of the Raffle Winner equal to 25% of the total prize value rewarded, including the value of the vehicle, the cash prize, the tax deposit, minus the cost of entry.


Entries must be purchased online at with a credit card, debit card, Venmo, PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Pay or Crypto. Participants will be required to acknowledge reading and agreeing to these Terms and Conditions before purchasing an Entry. Upon completion of the Entry purchase transaction, the participant will be issued an Entry Number, which will correspond to the overall entry transaction number. For example, the 385th entry purchased will be assigned Entry Number 385, etc. A live counter will be visible on the website, indicating how many entries have been sold.


The drawing will be held via Facebook Livestream video within 10 days of all 1,000 entries being sold. The exact time and date of the Livestream event will be posted on the website within 24 hours of the sale of entry #1,000. Additionally, every participant entered will receive an email notifying them of the scheduled drawing day and time prior to the event, along with a web link to the event.

During the Livestream event, the Drawing Administrator will display 1,000 sequentially numbered balls (1 to 1,000), then deposit them into a mechanical rotating drum, close the access door, then rotate the drum 360 degrees10 times, thereby mixing the numbered balls. The Drawing Administrator will then open the access door, reach inside and pick one numbered ball with their bare hand, and immediately display the number to the camera. The Livestream video will be available on the website within 7 days of the drawing, and will remain available for viewing online for a minimum of 180 days. The Raffle Winner will be contacted within 24 hours of the drawing via email, text or phone call.


All legal US residents age 18 or older are eligible to purchase an entry, provided they are physically located in Arizona at the time of purchase. EXCEPTION: Residents of Hawaii, Utah and Alabama are expressly forbidden to participate.


During the entry process, participants must provide their contact information, including their name, phone number and email address. No contact information collected will be shared with or sold to any other entity, other than the winner’s information as required by state and federal law.


All Raffle Participants agree to be bound by all the terms and conditions as outlined herein, and release and hold harmless Life Ansamn Ministries. LLC, and their respective officers, directors, employees, and agents (collectively, the “Released Parties”) from and against any claim or cause of action, including, but not limited to, personal injury, death, or damage to or loss of property, arising out of participation in the Raffle or receipt, use, or misuse of any prize. Except where prohibited, entrant agrees that: (1) any and all disputes, claims, and causes of action arising out of or connected with this Raffle or any prize awarded shall be resolved individually, without resort to any form of class action, and exclusively by a state or federal court located in Phoenix, Arizona; (2) any and all claims, judgments and awards shall be limited to actual out-of- pocket costs incurred, including costs associated with entering this Raffle, but in no event attorney’s fees; and (3) under no circumstances will entrant be permitted to obtain awards for, and entrant claims all rights to claim, indirect, punitive, incidental, and consequential damages and any other damages, other than for actual out-of-pocket expenses, and any and all rights to have damages multiplied or otherwise increased. All issues and questions concerning the construction, validity, interpretation and enforceability of these Official Rules, or the rights and obligations of the entrant and Life Ansanm Ministries, LLC in connection with the Raffle, shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of Arizona, without giving effect to any choice of law or conflict of law rules (whether of the State of Arizona or any other jurisdiction), which would cause the application of the laws of any jurisdiction other than the State of Arizona.


Except where prohibited, participation in the Raffle constitutes the Raffle Winner’s consent to Life Ansanm Ministry and its agents use of the Raffle Winner’s name, likeness, and photograph and video footage for promotional purposes in any media, worldwide, without further payment or consideration. The Raffle Winner’s name will be announced publicly during the livestream event, unless the winner has chosen to remain anonymous by checking the appropriate box while purchasing their entry(s).


Within 10 days of all 1,000 entries being sold, Life Ansanm Ministries will conduct the DRAWING as outlined above to determine the Raffle Winner.

Within 30 days thereafter, Life Ansanm Ministries agrees to pay:

    1. 100% of the agreed to sales price of the designated 2024 Toyota Tundra Limited 4×4 truck, to Avondale Toyota, on behalf of the Raffle Winner.
    2. 10% of the sale price of the truck in cash or certified funds to the Raffle Winner.
    3. 25% of the total prize value awarded minus the cost of the entry, paid to the Internal Revenue Service as an income tax deposit on behalf of the Raffle Winner, as required by IRS Form W2-G. The total amount of the prize subject to the 25% estimated tax includes the MSRP of the 2024 Toyota Tundra Limited 4×4 truck, the 10% cash award to help offset sales tax, license & registration fees, and the actual value of the federal tax deposit.

The total value of the prize awarded and subsequent income tax deposit is calculated as follows:

    • Truck Value $62,941*
    • Cash prize (10% of sale price) $ 6,294
    • Tax Deposit $23,028
    • Minus $150 entry fee ($ 150)
    • Total Prize Value $92,113
    • 25% est. tax on Total Prize Value = $23,028

Additionally, Life Ansanm will report the Raffle Winner’s contact information and total value of prizes awarded to the Arizona Attorney General’s office within 10 days of the Raffle Winner claiming their prize, as mandated by ARS, 13-3301 & 43-1201.

* MSRP of the truck awarded will be $60,000 or more. Actual truck cost and subsequent winnings may vary based on vehicle availability at the time of the award.


The Raffle Winner agrees to supply a copy of their valid driver’s license, a copy of a recent utility bill showing current home address (for State and Federal reporting purposes) and a copy of their Social Security card (for tax verification purposes).

Within 30 days of the drawing, the Raffle Winner agrees to meet with a representative of Life Ansanm Ministries at Avondale Toyota, located at 10005 Papago Freeway, Avondale, AZ, 85323, at a mutually agreed upon time, pay all related licensing fees, registration and sales taxes of the 2024 Toyota Tundra Limited 4×4 truck to complete the sales and transaction and take physical possession of the vehicle. Failure to comply with the Raffle Winner’s responsibilities as outlined here will result in disqualification, and full refund of the cost related to the winning entry.

The Raffle Winner is subject to all relevant State and Federal Income taxes and solely responsible for all related payments which may be due outside of these stated terms and conditions.


In the event that the Raffle Winner should be disqualified, a redraw event will occur within 60 days of the first drawing following the same protocol as outlined above, with the remaining 999 entries becoming eligible to win.